1-888-BOOKS-01 (1-888-266-5701) info@book-removal.com

book removal services

Donate and dispose of your books today at no cost with our free pickup service.

Have you inherited an abundance of books and are quickly looking to get rid of them all? Or has your book collection grown so out of control, you realize it’s time to scale back?

Rather than spending all the energy to donate your books, save the hassle of having to pack, lift and deliver all of them, Book Removal Services is here to help you with this mundane task.

Our team member will come prepared with all the necessary materials, transportation and equipment needed to spare you the time it’ll take you to do this yourself.

Get Your Books Ready

Gather your books by putting them all in a box or just have them accessible for us and we can box them for you.

Schedule A Pickup

Schedule a pickup by going to our Schedule page and simply choosing your preferred date and filling out the form.

Your books are gone!

We arrive at your location at your scheduled time and remove your books for you! It’s that simple, schedule a pickup now 🙂